Well, I have been waiting basically all winter for a nice, cloudless sunrise with some soft snow and I finally got it. Only problem is that most of the skiers I work with, riders for the Reno-made Moment Skies, were off in Salt Lake City for some skiing and a big winter sports tradeshow thing. So even without some great riders, I decided I would roust my wife out of bed at 4am and test out a couple of locations for next time. Monique is a photographer as well, so I attempted to be the ski-model standin. We used google earth to determine where first light would hit and I set myself up on top of a rock above Mt. Rose highway. Sure enough, the sun rose right in my face and I skied down a field of soft pink snow. Next we went up to Incline peak to get some standard shots with a lake view. For want I want up there, I’m hiking up a telephoto lens next time to get closer to the action and fill the background with the lake. Any of these pictures and many more stock images from the area can be keyword searched from my online archive of Tahoe area action and lifestyle photography. Now all we need is one more nice soft clear Tahoe sunrise…. I am also always looking for talented young skiers and riders who don’t mind getting up early or staying out late to get the shot. Feel free to contact me via the contact link above to talk about ideas.
I was up top scoping the light on a 15 foot jump with Monique waiting at bottom to get a few pictures as I came down to see how the red snow at dawn photographed. When I can get back with some riders throwing tricks off the rocks, at sunrise, this area could be really good!